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  • Writer's pictureBrianna Dunbar

What is a Partnership and What Should We Look for in a Partner?


A partnership is an arrangement where parties, known as business partners, agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests.

Key words: mutual interests.

Whether it is in a business setting or in your personal life, find partners who:

👉🏻want to see you succeed as much as they want to see themselves succeed.

👉🏻give you feedback on how to improve and take your feedback and use it to improve as well.

👉🏻support your initiatives like you support theirs.

👉🏻talk positively about you to others and criticize constructively in private

These partners can be hard to find. Especially in a one-sided growth phase.

Sometimes it’s hard to walk away from a partner. But if your energy is spent constantly giving then it’s taking away from something else you could be focusing on.

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